martes, 10 de marzo de 2009



Our business idea is to launch a number of market products in recyclable boxes and foamy, among others, with original designs. The products are distributed through miscellanies, stationery and business where there is strong influence of children, youth and adults who enjoy our products.


Be the largest marketing company in decorative accessories locally and nationally thus, cater to the tastes of the client taking into account innovative designs in Foomy and other recyclable materials.

By the end of 2009, being the most recognized entity in the commercial and industrial quality in our products and recyclable material in Foomy.


First of all how to get the cardboard boxes are talking to the administration of the company zapatota "which is located in the mall savannah, who provide us with the delivery in a good state of these. Then organize by size on a clean cloth, preferably white boxes that are not dirty. Take a bowl and add colbón of 80% and 20% water, combine, stir and take a brush, apply a layer of substance on the whole case, and began to join the three pieces of toilet paper sheet inside and until it dries out, and we added a further layer of paper until completely dry and gruesor the appropriate box and is hard to paint. Finally, different forms of decorations for all kinds of personalities.